Climb Europe's highest mountain, Mt. Elbrus (18,481' / 5642m) !!! 20% off !!!!

Visa in Russia.
Itinerary, dates and land cost - 2015. !!!! 20% off !!!
Report - Seasons of 2007 - 2014 year.
Notes of climbers about us.
About your guide.
Nikolai oil painting.
Ski from Mt Elbrus, 5642m.
Elbrus ski touring
Needed gear
Tours for painters

Report - Seasons of 2007 - 2014 year.


Season of 2010 year.



    During the season, we guided to climb Mt. Elbrus with 5 groups and helped logistic for 2 group  to climb the mountain.  Groups were from Canada, Australia, Sweden, USA, England  - 45 climbers.

      40 Climbers could get to the top. The first group climbed Mt. Elbrus in May and the last one in August. Three Russian mountain guides worked with groups: Olga Lukina, Vadim, and Nikolai Savin.  Most climbers visited Moscow  for city tours and sightseeing.


Season of 2013 year.


During the season, we guided to climb Mt. Elbrus with 5 groups and helped 1 group to climb Elbrus with tents.  Groups were from  South Africa, USA, Norway, India, England - 47 climbers.

40 climbers could get to the top.  Three Russian mountain guides worked with groups. Most climbers visited Moscow for city tours and sightseeing.


Season of 2012 year.


During the season, we guided to climb Mt. Elbrus with 8 groups and helped 1 group to climb Elbrus with tents.  Groups were from  South Africa, USA, Norway, India, England - 51 climbers.

40 Climbers could get to the top.  Three Russian mountain guides worked with groups. Most climbers visited Moscow for city tours and sightseeing.

The summer season of 2011

We did not work –  Elbrus region was close for tourists.


Season of 2010 year.



    During the season, we guided to climb Mt. Elbrus with 7 groups and helped 1 group to make booking to climb the mountain.  Groups were from Canada, Australia, Sweden, USA, England  - 51 climbers.

      48 Climbers could get to the top. The first group climbed Mt. Elbrus in May and the last one - in September (14-28). Three Russian mountain guides worked with groups: Olga Lukina, Vadim, and Nikolai Savin.  Most climbers visited Moscow  for city tours and sightseeing.


Season of 2009 year.



    In the season we guide to climb Mt. Elbrus with 10 groups and helped for 1 group to make booking to climb the mountain.  Groups were from France, Sweden, USA, England and Japan  - 58 climbers.

     51 Climbers could get the top. The first group climbed Mt. Elbrus in the end of April and the last one - in September (14-28). Three Russian mountain guides worked with groups: Olga Lukina, Aleksander Venger  and Nikolai Savin.  Most climbers visited Moscow  for city tours and sightseeing.


Five groups were from USA.


A group of 6 friends from USA with Thomas Husted  (  They were not happy. The weather was bad for climbing day and the climbers could not get the top. 


 Scott Woolums leader of "Adventures International Inc." was with 2 groups - 3 and 10 climbers. Russian guides - Aleksander Venger  and Nikolai Savin. All of them made West Top of Elbrus.  

Kent Mansell Willoughby (67 years old) and Doris Millard Spencer ( from Colorado got the Top with Nikolai Savin in June.


Timothy Evan Schultz (,  Bradley Hebert (USA) and 2 Canadians made Mt. Elbrus with Nikolai in August.



Yamada Mitsuo and 10 climbers ( ) with Russian guides Olga and Vadim could make the Top of Elbrus (5642m).



Alessandro Nordio <>  with 6 friends climbed and went down by skis Well done.



Four 4 climbers with Robin Taylor( )   made Elbrus in September.


In the 2005 season we did not have groups and we hope to see them the next season:


-- "Mountain Experience" (USA) leader - Jason Edwards,,

-- Richard Bothwell , a leader of Outdoor Adventure Club (USA, CA).


--- "Mountain Dreams" (USA, OR) with a senior guide Bob Cenk

-- Guide Takaharu Hayashi (Japan)

 "Camp 5 Expeditions" (USA) ,:// ), "Mountain Travel" (USA)  "Ascend Adventure" (USA),, "Ultimate Expeditions" (USA, OR) ,"Esprit de Montagne" (UK)


2008 year




The first group (4 climbers) was from Norway with Jonas Ballestad   .  The weather was very bad but we could make Elbrus with GPS. 


Five groups were from USA.


At first time we had 2 groups ( 9 and 3 climbers) of "Mountain Dreams" (USA, OR) with a senior guide Bob Cenk . You can see information about the company on webpage

Heidi Kloos from "Adventures International Inc." came with 3 climbers in August.


Richard Bothwell , a leader of Outdoor Adventure Club with 2 climbers ( )


The fifth  group (US) was a group of fiends with Todd Melby




Takaharu Hayashi" and 3 climbers

They were not happy. They wanted to use Snow Cat (Mobile) but it was broken on the summer day. But the group could make East Peak of Elbrus (5621m).




Ulrica and Richard Lindskцld   Well done.




Duncan Chessell (a company DCXP, ( ) and 3 climbers. It were a very strong group. In one trip into  Northern hemisphere they climbed Danely (Alaska), mountains in West Europe and the last one, Elbrus (easily).


England and Ireland.


Four friends with Robin Taylor  and two Irish friends (McCallion, Eamonn, )climbed Elbris in September.


In the 2004 season we did not have groups from "Mountain Experience" (USA,, "Camp 5 Expeditions" (USA, ), "Mountain Travel" (USA) "Ascend Adventure" (USA),, "Ultimate Expeditions" (USA, OR) ,"Esprit de Montagne" (UK)


We hope to see them the next season.


Have a good climb,




Report - Season 2007 year.


Two groups were from USA.

At first time we had a group of "Ultimate Expeditions" (USA, OR) with a guide Tim O'Brien who came with 5 climbers. You can see information about the company on webpage

Lisa Rust from "Adventures International Inc." came with 4 climbers in August.

Same time a family (Moolman) from South Africa tried to make Mt. Elbrus.

In May a group from Austria climbed Mt. Elbrus with skis and than went down from the top by skis. Leaders Wolfgang and Egfried Miller

Four climbers did an alone climbs with Russian guide (Nikolai).


In the 2003 season we did not have groups from "Mountain Experience" (USA,, "Camp 5 Expeditions" (USA, ), "Mountain Travel" (USA) "Ascend Adventure" (USA,, Takaharu Hayashi from Japan, "Esprit de Montagne" (UK)


Have a good climb,




Nikolai Savin
Leader of "Alptour"
Moscow, Russia


Web site of Mountain Experience "Elbrus climb" (

Web site of Ascend Adventures (

They have climbed Mt. Elbrus.

English guide Steve Boydon (

John Reinders -climber from Canada.(

Pat (John P Riordan) USA( - Mt. Elbrus 2001
